Saturday, July 28, 2007

Opportunities expand for Helium's writers with Marketplace: Helium's publishing partners

Helium has dramatically expanded the exciting Marketplace program, partnering with publishers to increase publishing opportunities for Helium's writing community. A new publisher setting up house at Helium's Marketplace is GeoSign, a multi-million dollar publishing house that operates hundreds of specialty sites. According to Mark Ranalli, President and CEO of Helium, "The quality of writing and level of activity in the Marketplace program will allow us to build this initiative into an exciting and lucrative opportunity for our community." The future looks bright for expanding Helium's publishing partnership program further. Like Helium, Marketplace is on the rise!
Peter Degen-Portnoy, Helium's Director of Business Development, reports: "The new partnership between Helium and Geosign is a tremendous opportunity not only for both organizations, but also for the active and involved Helium community. With literally hundreds of revenue-generating websites, Geosign continuously needs new content capable of attracting Internet users. The writers at Helium have a significantly increased opportunity to turn their creative endeavors into a potentially lucrative income stream while increasing the quality and quantity of offerings at Helium."
With Marketplace, publishers initiate article titles for content they are seeking for their publications. Helium's writers can view these titles on our site, learn about the details, see the pay scale, and find links to the magazines. The Helium writer's pen name will serve as their byline. Helium writers win recognition, increase income and win wider exposure for their work.
How it works:
Publishers submit articles to Helium on topics of interest to them. When enough articles accumulate, the publisher will go into that title group and compare the articles written by Helium's writers. The publisher will view your article using our peer-ranking system. The higher you rank, the better your chance to be published by our partners. However, the publishing partners reserve the right to select the content that works best for them. It is also possible that no article will be selected.
Once your article has been selected, you will be notified by Helium. Some publishers want assurances that your article has not been published anywhere else, other than on You will be notified when and where your article appears. Then some extra pay will show up in your PayPal account, as a Helium deposit. In addition, Helium will feature your name next to the article selected on the Marketplace section of the website. This will be linked in the usual way to your About Me page for further exposure. More money and fame: What more could a writer want?
Tips for success:
Read all the specifications listed next to the article title.
Click on the publication link and learn about the type of content featured and that publication's writing standards.
If they have publisher's guidelines and/or a style guide, follow these details precisely.
Be careful to cite all sources, but do so as endnotes, rather than in the body of the text.
Think carefully about the Helium pen name that you use. Imagine this as your byline in another publication. If you want to change it, do so as soon as possible, by clicking on the "My Helium" button on the main menu and "Account Settings" on the sidebar menu. You'll notice three tabs at the top of that section. Click on "pen name" and change yours if you want.
Beef up (add more fiber) to your About Me page. Whenever anyone likes to an article you've written, they will click on your user name to find out more about you. Brand yourself in a way that will help your publishing goals.
Be adventuresome and try your hand at this challenge. Your writing career might take off in even more exciting ways.


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